Social skills
- I really feel as human beings, we need more training in our basic social skills. Conversational Distance; don't you hate these people that talk to you they talk into your mouth like you're a clown at a drive-through? and Hand shakes is the worst, there's absolutely no guidelines for hand shakes, you know these people? Too long, too weak, sometimes they give you the three-quarter handshake: just the fingers. Early release, late release, sometimes people will dispute your release, you let go there're hangin' on. I have actually said to people 'Hey the handshake is over!.' Too many pumps, coming in too high, too sweaty, coming from too far away. Sometimes a guy will give you a strong grip, late release, and pull you in for the too close conversation. To him I say 'That's three strikes you're out.'
Mi humilde contribución a la lista de Seinfeld sería agregar a la gente de edad que cree que porque tiene unos cuantos años merece no hacer ningún tipo de esfuerzo; no se inclinan hacia adelante para saludar, sino que todo el camino hasta la mejilla debe hacerlo uno. También a los que cuando saludan no hacen el ruidito del beso, como si alcanzara sólo con apoyar la cabeza, y saludar fuera una obligación social de la que tienen que salir lo más rápido posible. Completamente indignante.